Sunday, March 29, 2009


I just started twittering!

It's fun actually. It's the simplest way of communication in order to stay connected with everyone you know. It is based on one simple question 'What are you doing?'. You can exchange your answer whenever and wherever you are. You can also find what are the people that you follow are doing in the easiest way! Isn't that amazing? The fun thing is, I've never posted anything on my
'Avissa is ...' box on facebook. So, this is quite interesting for me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Byron Bay

Have you ever been to Byron Bay? Last year was my first experience going there. Well, I went there twice, first in winter and then in late spring. It was really nice. Because it was winter, I didn't want to get into the water. It was just really cold. It took about 2 hours to get there from Brisbane.

OK, this is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! When we got there, we got a chance to see two rainbows ahead of us! Wow, can you imagine! It's two, not just one (I just knew that there is such this event, duh)! It was so beautiful!

We then went straight to see the Lighthouse,

and took a picture in this monumental corner.

Enough of my pictures, here is a glimpse of what the bay actually looks like. Sometimes during the day, lots of dolphins or even whales gather around in this area.

The second time I went there, our main goal was to see the sunrise. Thank God we arrived on time! Again, it was an amazing experience! (I thought those shadows behind me were trees, but it was actually the clouds that shield the sun). Even at 3.30am the sky began to change its colors.

When the sun has finally came out, we took some pictures in the beach. WONDERFUL!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

10 Reasons You MUST have Breakfast!

1. Break the fast.
I bet most of us don't really know what breakfast means. How bout this, when we're sleeping, our body slows down its metabolic rate as a result of not eating for hours. By eating breakfast we wake up our metabolism and burn those calories we need to lose weight.

2. Eat more, weigh less.
Some studies have shown that people who eat breakfast get to lose weight better and can keep it off. If we skip it we'll be hungry by lunchtime we can eat a lot! Researchers found out that eating cereal for breakfast helps lose weight.

3. Are you interested in doing better at work and school?
Studies have shown that those who eat breakfast are more alert and do better on tests than people who skip it. Moreover, hungry child may become apathetic, disinterested, and irritable in doing difficult tasks. So, breakfast is the key. No doubt adults need breakfast as much as kids do.

4. Breakfast is your chance to eat the foods you may not eat the rest of the day.
You can have whole-grain cereal and berries with non-fat milk - here is your fibre, folic acid and calcium in one easy-to-grab bowl. Low-carbers need to go very easy on grains, so opt for the highest-fibre brand you can find. However, why not indulge instead in the typical eggs and bacon breakfast most other eating plans frown upon?

5. Skipping breakfast makes you grouchy.
Researchers concluded that if be eat breakfast, we'll have better moods. It actually gets you started on the right track for the day. If you start eating healthy breakfast, it will set you mood for lunch. You'll be able choose something reasonable for lunch.

6. Cancel the Danish or sugared doughnut.
Do it first after you wake up! They'll cause a blood sugar dip a couple of hours later if you do it. It will make you crave for something more sugary.

7. Breakfast makes your machine run better.
Get yourself on a schedule with a healthy breakfast, and you're ready to take on the world.

8. If you're a parent, set a good example.
By skipping breakfast, your kids will think it's not important. Breakfast doesn't have to be a big affair, but don't wimp out... make it a habit, and your kids will be way ahead of the game too.

9. Don't eat dessert for breakfast.
If you think a cereal bar with 30 grams of sugar is a breakfast item, then think again. Some cereal bars contain nearly as much sugar and fat as a regular chocolate bar.

10. One more word about labels...
if it says "nutritious", it doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy. Cereal manafacturers are experts in marketing, using words that send a message of health, but unless you read the labels, eat at your own risk. Kids' cereals often have more sugar than sweets. Protect your kids from getting hooked on these cereals... they'll get used to all the sugar, and will want only pre-sweetened cereals.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Introducing . . .

WARNING: Little charming alert!

I NEED to introduce the adorable baby Zimraan. He's two now, but he speaks and acts like an 4-year-old. Love him. Can't get enough of him.


This afternoon suddenly the name Alicia Keys popped out from my head. I remember her show back then in December here in Brisbane. It was so awesome! Personally, I didn't expect her show would be that great. Her vocal performance was so amazing, plus her backing vocals and the band, of course. The stage set was not that great, but in total it was really

One of her backing vocals and the only male singer on the stage caught my eyes and ears. His voice was really amazing! FYI, Miss Keys introduced her backing vocals one-by-one after letting them to sing first. Then she introduced him as Jermaine Paul. That was when I realized that he was the one that sings with her in a tribute song for Luther Vandross (If This World Were Mine). He also featured in her single 'Diary'. He actually can sing as a singer himself. I was really amazed by his voice because I didn't expect a backing vocal would be that great! If he is going to make an album I will definitely buy it! Gifted voice.

Anyways, about Alicia's show, I was kinda disappointed 'cause she didn't sing her song 'Tell You Something (Nana's Reprise)'. I was so crazy about that song. It somehow makes my heart peaceful when I listen to it. I love it. By the way, I went to her concert with Amik , Namiel, and Nowo. We had a great time.

Fall 2009 Ready-to-wear

It's a wrap for the Fall 2009 Ready-to-wear Fashion Weeks. It is exciting to look at those clothes paraded in New York, London, Milan, and Paris. Although I couldn't be there (oh I wish I can) to watch those shows, I always check the progress for each show. Nah, it's not every show, but only the designers that I like. Though it's not as exciting as watching the Spring Ready-to-wear collection, it's kind of sad if you miss it.

House of Holland


Marc by Marc Jacobs

Marc Jacobs

Stella McCartney


House of Holland's will always be interesting to watch since there's always Agyness Deyn in his show. Do you remember the black shirt/dress that she paraded on the show and wore it until the after party was the one that M.I.A. had picked for her Grammy's show. She is just a trendsetter. Anyways, his show was about stripes and playing with colors. That's genious.

Chloé's was fantastic, because you can wear it in the day without feeling uncomfortable, I think.

Marc Jacobs' collection was always adorable. Either his Marc Jacobs or Marc by Marc Jacobs will always be my favorite. Period.

Stella McCartney was unpredictable. I was hoping she will play with colors, but her collection was mainly gre, black, and white. But, the design was so amazing. I love it! Hers was all about puff sleves and of course her infamous PVC boots.

The next is Tibi. I've never pay any of my attention in this lining before, but seeing its collection in this year's fall collection was so amazing. It's definitely one of my favorites! They are all so cute. I can imagine myself wearing those clothes everyday. It was just goergeous. Ooh how I want to grab those clothes!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yoga with Yogi Cameron Alborzian

Ooh, this is my first blog post. I'm so excited! I hope anyone who reads it woulnd't find it boring, and hopefully feel the contrary and find the information is very useful.

I was always interested in yoga. I did a few months of practicing yoga earlier during college. It was fun, especially when you do it with a couple of your mom's friends. It made you feel SUPERB! It was because you can do better than them. Then they will adore you because you can do anything with the movements (laugh laugh).

Anyways, several months ago when I was reading my lovely, I found an interesting article about Cameron Alborzian. He is an ex-model turned yoga guru. Some sources said that he was featured in one of Madonna's video.

After reading that article I tried to search everything about him. Turns out you can ask him come to your house, of course to educate you to know the benefits of yoga. The price wouldn't be cheap though, since it can go up to £20,000 a week. Furthermore, I found a couple of his videos in youtube. There are some movements that I have had practiced several times back then, such as this 10 minutes yogic practice. You will find this a little bit difficult. But, with a lot of practice it will help you to get fit and maybe at some point help you to be slimmer, because it did happen to me. Remember, slimmer does not mean losing weight.

Isn't he wonderful (PS: look at those abs)? He's an Indian decent, that's why I guess he's realy into yoga. So I was thinking, why I hadn't ever in my life interested in Pencak Silat, for example, as one of Indonesian traditional martial arts, nor did I have interested in learning to make Jamu (Indonesian traditional medicine drink). Hmm what a pity I guess. That makes me think ...